Exhibition archive
After 3 years, 50 venues and around 20,000 visitors, our "Meeting the Bear"
exhibition has finally been replaced by a new exhibition. We thank all those who helped to make it such a success, especially the staff, pupils and volunteers of the venues where it was held, as well as our sponsors, WSPA and WWF.
During the 2008/09 school year the exhibiton was held in:
30th - 31st August 2008 | TLD Starý Smokovec - Hrebienok, High Tatras |
8th Sep. - 31st October | Museum of Puppet Cultures and Toys, Modrý Kameň |
3rd - 14th November | Rajecke Teplice |
17th - 28th November | Rajec |
1st - 12th December | Brodno primary school |
15th - 19th December 2008 | Horky primary school |
12th - 26th January 2009 | Envirosvet, Stupava |
During the 2007/08 school year the exhibiton was held in:
1st - 23rd September 2007 | Chata Žiar, Rajecká Lesná |
26th Sept. - 9th October | Východná primary school, Trenčín |
12th - 19th October | Soblahov primary school, Trenčín |
16th - 23th October | Horná Súča primary school, Trenčín |
23th October - 2nd November | Dolná Súča primary school |
13th - 20th November | Drietoma primary school |
26th Nov. - 4th December | Melčica-Lieskové primary and infant school |
12th - 14th December | Chocholná-Velčice primary school |
17th Dec. 2007 - 18th January 2008 | Trenčianska Turná primary school |
25th January - 12th February | Svätý Jur primary school |
16th February - 12th March | First Slovak Grammar Schoool musuem, Revúca |
17th - 27th March | Combined Evangelical School, Liptovský Mikuláš |
3rd - 30th April | Forestry and Timber Museum, Zvolen |
1st - 31st May | Museum, Šurany |
2nd - 8th June 2008 | J. Holčeka primary and Dolný Ohaj infant schools |
During the 2006/07 school year the exhibiton was held in:
9th - 13th October 2006 | Veľká Fatra National Park, Martin |
16th October - 17th November | Veľká Fatra National Park, Ružomberok |
27th November - 1st December | Domaniža primary school |
4th - 8th December 2006 | Krasňany primary school |
3rd - 31st January 2007 | "U medveďa" pub/gallery, Demänovská Valley |
5th February - 5th March | Nízke Tatry National Park, Liptovský Hrádok |
7th - 21st March | Dubnica nad Váhom town hall |
26th March - 4th April | Obyce primary school |
11th - 18th April | Hlboká cesta primary school, Bratislava |
23rd April - 9th May | Ratkova primary school, Revúca |
14th - 28th May | Nemšová combined Catholic school |
30th May - 7th June | Hronské Kľačany primary school |
11th - 18th June | Veľký Kýr primary and infant school |
23rd June 2007 | Karpatfest 2007, Donovaly |
During the 2005/06 school year the exhibiton was held in:
4th Nov. '05 - 15th Jan. '06 | Borová Sihoť hotel and campground, Liptovský Hrádok |
18th Jan. - 28th February | Nature Protection and Spaeleology Museum, L. Mikuláš |
6th March - 10th March | Spišský Hrušov primary school |
13th March - 17th March | Sv. Michala primary school, Spišské Tomášovce |
20th March - 25th March | Narnia primary school, Bratislava |
27th March - 31st March | Turnianska primary school, Bratislava |
3rd April - 17th April | Nová Dedinka primary school |
19th April - 26th April | Letná primary school, Poprad |
1st May - 5th May | V. Predmerského school, Trenčín |
8th May - 12th May | Moravské Lieskové primary and infant school |
15th May - 19th May | Krompachy secondary school |
29th May - 2nd June | Marcelyho primary school, Bratislava |
12th June - 16th June | Oravský Podzámok primary school |
19th June - 23rd June 2006 | Oravské Veselé primary school |