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Bear watching in Slovakia

Are you looking for...

  • a wildlife holiday
  • amid stunning scenery
  • without it costing the Earth?
  • You've come to the right place!

    The Tatra Mountains: a beautiful and yet little known gem, right at the heart of Europe, less than an hour's drive from Poprad international airport. A paradise of unspoilt countryside with a great diversity of native wildlife, including much that has long-since disappeared from most of Western Europe.

    Here you can walk in wolf country, learn the ways of bears, see signs of lynx, photograph chamois and marmots on alpine meadows and watch for eagles hunting above the scenic Carpathian forests.

    Who better to guide you than locally-based wildlife experts with decades of experience combining responsible ecotourism with conservation research! As specialists on large carnivores, we can give you a detailed insight into the lives of these fascinating animals and the challenges they face. While exploring the extensive forests, mountains and meadows where they live, you will learn about their ecology and conflicts with human interests that threaten their long-term survival.

    Our personal guiding service is great value: €130 per person based on two people booking a one-day tour together, with discounts available for additional people. Because we are a not-for-profit organisation rather than a commercial company, what you pay to us goes directly to fund conservation. Your support will help us continue our efforts to protect wildlife and habitats from the growing pressures of development.

    We believe that sustainable tourism can help show local communities the value of the nature around them. Hopefully these efforts, combined with our intensive education work, can change the image of the bear and wolf from animals that are often feared and reviled, good for nothing but shooting, to something that local people are proud of and want to preserve.

    The Tatras are beautiful all year round. We can advise you which time would suit you most. The choice of accommodation is yours: everything from budget to luxury is available. Individuals, families and groups can be catered for. Play an active role, if you wish, by helping us with our fieldwork: measuring and recording tracks and other signs of bears, wolves and lynx. The results should help to ensure that wildlife populations are properly managed. Or perhaps you would prefer to take a more relaxed approach. Whichever way you choose, you are sure to be inspired and rejuvenated by the wonderful surroundings.

    So to have a memorable holiday whilst supporting a worthy cause, email us now.