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Publikácie so zahrnutím SWS/projekt BEARS
García-Rodríguez A., Rigg R., Elguero-Claramunt I., Bojarska K., Krofel M., Parchizadeh J., Pataky T., Seryodkin I., Skuban M., Wabakken P., Zieba F., Zwijacz-Kozica T. & Selva N. (2020). Phenology of brown bear breeding season and related geographical cues. The European Zoological Journal 87(1): 552-558. DOI: 10.1080/24750263.2020.1801866. Bombieri G., Naves J., Penteriani V., Selva N., Fernández-Gil A., López-Bao J.V., Ambarli H., Bautista C., Bespalova T., Bobrov V., Bolshakov V., Bondarchuk S., Camarra J.J., Chiriac S., Ciucci P., Dutsov A., Dykyy I., Fedriani J.M., García-Rodríguez A., Garrote P.J., Gashev S., Groff C., Gutleb B., Haring M., Härkönen S., Huber D., Kaboli M., Kalinkin Y., Karamanlidis A.A., Karpin V., Kastrikin V., Khlyap L., Khoetsky P., Kojola I., Kozlow Y., Korolev A., Korytin N., Kozsheechkin V., Krofel M., Kurhinen J., Kuznetsova I., Larin E., Levykh A., Mamontov V., Männil P., Melovski D., Mertzanis Y., Meydus A., Mohammadi A., Norberg H., Palazón S., Patra?cu L.M., Pavlova K., Pedrini P., Quenette P.Y., Revilla E., Rigg R., Rozhkov Y., Russo L.F., Rykov A., Saburova L., Sahlén V., Saveljev A.P., Seryodkin I.V., Shelekhov A., Shishikin A., Shkvyria M., Sidorovich V., Sopin V., Střen O., Stofik J., Swenson J.E., Tirski D., Vasin A., Wabakken P., Yarushina L., Zwijacz-Kozica T. & Delgado M.M. (2019). Brown bear attacks on humans: a worldwide perspective. Scientific Reports 9: 8573. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-44341-w. Bautista C. Revilla E., Naves J., Albrecht J., Fernández N., Olszanska A., Adamec M., Berezowska-Cnota T., Ciucci P., Groff C., Härkönen S., Huber D., Jerina K., Jonozovič M., Karamanlidis A.A., Palazón S., Quenette P.-Y., Rigg R., Seijas J., Swenson J.E., Talvi T. & Selva N. (2019). Large carnivore damage in Europe: Analysis of compensation and prevention programs. Biological Conservation 235: 308–316. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2019.04.019.
Antal V., Boroš M., Čertíková M., Ciberej J., Dóczy J., Finďo S., Kaštier P., Kropil R., Lukáč J., Molnár L. Paule L., Rigg R., Rybanič R. & Šramka Š. (2016). Program starostlivosti o medveďa hnedého (Ursus arctos) na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, Banská Bystrica. 107 pp.
Bautista C., Naves J., Revilla E., Fernández N., Albrecht J., Scharf A.K., Rigg R., Karamanlidis A.A., Jerina K., Huber D., Palazón S., Kont R., Ciucci P., Groff C., Dutsov A., Seijas J., Quenette P.-I., Olszanska A., Shkvyria M., Adamec M., Ozolins J., Jonozovič M. & Selva N. (2016). Patterns and correlates of claims for brown bear damage on a continental scale. Journal of Applied Ecology Early View DOI 10.1111/1365-2664.12708.
Lešová A. & Antal V. eds. (2015). Ochrana a manažment veľkých šeliem na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica. 216 pp.
Rigg R. (2015). Biológia a ekológia veľkých šeliem: Medveď hnedý (Ursus arctos). In: Ochrana a manažment veľkých šeliem na Slovensku, Lešová A. & Antal V. eds., Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica: 10-23.
Paule L. & Rigg R. (2015). Metódy monitorovania veľkých šeliem. In: Ochrana a manažment veľkých šeliem na Slovensku, Lešová A. & Antal V. eds., Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica: 60-67.
Rigg R. (2015). Nebezpečné strety človeka s medveďom. In: Ochrana a manažment veľkých šeliem na Slovensku, Lešová A. & Antal V. eds., Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica: 191-195.
Rigg R. & Betková S. (2015). Šelmy a ľudia. In: Ochrana a manažment veľkých šeliem na Slovensku, Lešová A. & Antal V. eds., Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica: 194-199. Chapron G., Kaczensky P., Linnell J.D.C., von Arx M., Huber D., Andrén H., López-Bao J.V., Adamec M., Álvares F., Anders O., Balčiauskas L. Balys V. Bedo P., Bego F., Blanco J.C., Breitenmoser U., Brřseth H., Bufka L., Bunikyte R., Ciucci P., Dutsov A., Engleder T., Fuxjäger C., Groff C., Holmala K., Hoxha B., Iliopoulos Y., Ionescu O., Jeremic J., Jerina K., Kluth G., Knauer F., Kojola I., Kos I., Krofel M., Kubala J., Kunovac S., Kusak J., Kutal M., Liberg O., Majic A., Männil P., Manz R., Marboutin E., Marucco F., Melovski D., Mersini K., Mertzanis Y., Myslajek R.W., Nowak S., Odden J., Ozolins J., Palomero G., Paunovic M., Persson J., Potočnik H., Quenette P.-Y., Rauer G., Reinhardt I., Rigg R., Ryser A., Salvatori V., Skrbinšek T., Stojanov A., Swenson J.E., Szemethy L., Trajçe A. Tsingarska-Sedefcheva E., Vána M., Veeroja R., Wabakken P., Wölfl M., Wölfl S., Zimmermann F., Zlatanova D. & Boitani L. (2014). Recovery of large carnivores in Europe's modern human-dominated landscapes. Science 346: 1517-1519. Bautista León C., Selva N., Fernández N., Revilla E., Scharf A.K., Karamanlidis A.A., Rigg R., Jerina K., Shkvyria M., Huber Đ., Palazón S., Ciucci P., Groff C., Dutsov A., Kont R., Adamec M. & Naves J. (2014). Patterns and correlates of brown bear damages in Europe. In: 23rd international conference on bear research and management, Karamanlidis A.A. (ed.), Arcturos, Thessaloniki, Greece: 87-88. Kaczensky P., Chapron G., von Arx M., Huber D., Andrén H. & Linnell J. (eds). (2013a). Status, management and distribution of large carnivores – bear, lynx, wolf and wolverine – in Europe. Part 1, summary reports. LCIE Report. 72 pp. Kaczensky P., Chapron G., von Arx M., Huber D., Andrén H., Linnell J. (eds). (2013b). Status, management and distribution of large carnivores – bear, lynx, wolf and wolverine – in Europe. Part 2, country reports. LCIE Report. 200 pp.
Graban J., Kisková J., Pepich P. & Rigg R. (2013). Genetic analysis for geographic isolation comparison of brown bears living in the periphery of the Western Carpathians Mountains with bears living in other areas. 11. konferencia Výskum a ochrana cicavcov na Slovensku. Univerzita Mateja Bela, Banská Bystrica.
Losinski G. & Rigg R. (2013). Cooperative container modification: a global conspiracy to be smarter than the average bear. In: 22nd international conference on bear research and management. Book of abstracts. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA: 45.
Graban J., Kisková J., Pepich P. & Rigg R. (2013). Genetic analysis for geographic isolation comparison of brown bears living in the periphery of the Western Carpathians Mountains with bears living in other areas. Open Journal of Genetics 3: 174-182.
Janská S., Rigg R., Adamec M., Kalaš M. & Stevens K.B. (2012). Brown bear mortality on roads and railways in Slovakia: patterns, trends, factors. In: IENE international conference on Safeguarding ecological functions across transport infrastructure. Book of abstracts. Potsdam, Germany: 199.
Chovanová A. (2012). Brown bear conservation in Slovakia: tourism opportunity or threat? Bachelors thesis. Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. 45 pp.
Rijáková V. (2012). Charakteristika druhu Ursus arctos, história a súčasný stav jeho populácie na území Slovenskej republiky. Bakalárska práca. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave. 85 pp.
Štefánek M. (2011). Zberné nádoby na komunálny odpad odolné proti voľne žijúcim zvieratám. Ročníkový projekt - Ekotechnika. Technická univerzita vo Zvolene. 24 pp.
Rigg R., Finďo S., Wechselberger M., Gorman M., Sillero-Zubiri C. & Macdonald D.W. (2011). Mitigating carnivore-livestock conflict in Europe: lessons from Slovakia. Oryx 45(2): 272-280.
Bagniewska J. & Macdonald D. (2010). Animals, the environment and people. RSPCA International, Horsham and WildCRU, Tubney, UK. 39 pp.
Janská S. (2010). Brown bear vehicle collisions in Western Carpathian Mountains, Slovakia. Masters thesis. Royal Veterinary College, University of London. 33 pp.
Rigg R. & Adamec M. (2010). Status and hunting management of the brown bear in the Western Carpathians. In: 19th international conference on bear research and management. Book of abstracts, Nacres, Tbilisi, Georgia: 123.
Rigg R. & Morley R. (2010). Don’t shoot! Developing alternative solutions to resolving bear-human conflict in Slovakia. In: 19th international conference on bear research and management. Book of abstracts, Nacres, Tbilisi, Georgia: 122.
Rigg R. & Adamec M. (2009). Conservation and management of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in the Western Carpathians. In: 2nd European congress of conservation biology. Conservation biology and beyond: from science to practice. Book of abstracts, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic: 206.
Finnegan S. (2009). Seasonal dynamics in the prevalence of Baylisascaris transfuga ova in the faeces of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Slovkia. Diploma thesis. University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice. 54 pp.
Sorensen O.J., Totsas M., Solstad T. & Rigg R. (2008). Predation by a golden eagle on a brown bear cub. Ursus 19(2): 190-193.
Rigg R. & Adamec M. (2008). Stav a manažment medveďa hnedého (Ursus arctos) na Slovensku. (Status and management of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Slovakia.) Výskum a ochrana cicavcov na Slovensku VIII: 171-187. (in Slovak with English abstract.)
Jób M. (2007). Uplatnenie environmentálneho manažérstva v ochrane ohrozených
druhov fauny – návrh manažmentu ochrany medveďa hnedého na príklade územia obce
Staré Hory. Diplomová práca. Univerzita Mateja Bela, Banská Bystrica. 101 pp.
Rigg R. & Adamec M. (2007). Status, ecology and management of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Slovakia. Slovak Wildlife Society, Liptovský Hrádok. 128 pp.
Rigg R. & Gorman M. (2006). Potrava medveďa hnedého (Ursus arctos): nové vysledky z Tatranskej oblasti a porovnanie metód výskumu. (Diet of brown bears (Ursus arctos): new results from the Tatras region and a comparison of research methods.) Výskum a ochrana cicavcov na Slovensku VII: 61-79. (in Slovak with English abstract.)
Rigg R. (2006). Medveď hnedý a zonácia CHÚ na príklade Tichej a Kôprovej doliny. Chránené územia Slovenska 69: 18-20.
Rigg R. & Gorman M. (2006). Predácia veľkých šeliem na ovce na Slovensku. (Predation on sheep by large carnivores in Slovakia.) Výskum a ochrana cicavcov na Slovensku VII: 81-89. (in Slovak with English abstract.)
Beťková S. & Rigg R. (2006). Projekt B.E.A.R.S. – "Vzdelávanie, informovanosť a výskum medveďov na Slovensku". (The BEARS Project: Bear Education, Awareness and Research in Slovakia.) Výskum a ochrana cicavcov na Slovensku VII: 91-94. (in Slovak with English abstract.)
Paunovic M. & Cirovic D. (2006). Viability increase and recovery of brown bear Ursus arctos L. 1758 population in northeastern Serbia. Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. 52 pp.
Domokos C., Kecskés A. & Rigg R. (2006). Bear-human conflicts in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains. International Bear News 15(1): 16-17. Wechselberger M., Rigg R. & Beťková S. (2005). Factors influencing public perception of large carnivores in Slovakia. In: 16th international conference on bear research and management. Book of abstracts, Centro Duplicazioni Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trentino, Italy: 23-24. Beťková S. & Rigg R. (2005). The BEARS Project: Bear Education, Awareness and Research in Slovakia. In: 16th international conference on bear research and management. Book of abstracts, Centro Duplicazioni Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trentino, Italy: 75. Rigg R. & Gorman M. (2005). Predation on sheep by brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Slovakia. In: 16th international conference on bear research and management. Book of abstracts, Centro Duplicazioni Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trentino, Italy: 135-136. Rigg R. & Gorman M. (2005). Diet of European brown bears (Ursus arctos) in agricultural regions and adjoining national parks of Slovakia. In: 16th international conference on bear research and management. Book of abstracts, Centro Duplicazioni Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trentino, Italy: 24-25.
Wechselberger M., Rigg R. & Beťková S. (2005). An investigation of public opinion about the three species of large carnivores in Slovakia: brown bear (Ursus arctos), wolf (Canis lupus) and lynx (Lynx lynx). Slovak Wildlife Society, Liptovský Hrádok. x + 89 pp.
Rigg R. (2005). Status of brown bears in the Ukraine. International Bear News 14(2): 20. Rigg R. (2005). Wild, captive and illegally traded bears in Central and Eastern Europe. International Bear News 14(2): 21. Rigg R. (2005). Livestock depredation and livestock guarding dogs in Slovakia. Carnivore Damage Prevention News 8: 17-27. Rigg R. (2004). Slovakia and Poland: different countries, different attitudes. International Bear News 13(4): 21-23.
Rigg R. (2004). The extent of predation on livestock by large carnivores in Slovakia and mitigating carnivore-human conflict using livestock guarding dogs. Masters thesis. Department of Zoology, University of Aberdeen. 263 pp + appendices.
Rigg R. (2003). Perceptions and reality in conflicts over large carnivores in Slovakia: who’s afraid of what? In: Carpathian workshop on large carnivore conservation. Council of Europe, Strasbourg: 30. Rigg R. (2003). Využivanie pastierskych strážnych psov na ochranu oviec a kôz pred medveďmi a vlkmi. (The use of livestock guarding dogs to protect sheep and goats from bears and wolves.) In: Komplexné riešenie problému synantropných medveďov (Ursus arctos). (The integrated solution to the problem of nuisance bears (Ursus arctos)). Rigg R. & Baleková K. eds. Sloboda zvierat, Bratislava, Slovakia: 27-40.
Rigg R. & Baleková K. eds. (2003). Komplexné riešenie problému synantropných medveďov (Ursus arctos). (The integrated solution to the problem of nuisance bears (Ursus arctos)). Sloboda zvierat, Bratislava, Slovakia. 142 pp. (in Slovak and English.)
Rigg R., Gorman M. & Sillero-Zubiri C. (2003). Livestock guarding dogs and carnivore conservation: A review of the global situation and an example from Slovakia. In: Proceedings of the 2nd international Kangal dog symposium. Ograk Y.Z. ed. Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey: 88-96. Rigg R. & Gorman M. (2002). The use of livestock guarding dogs to protect sheep from bears and wolves in Slovakia. In: Living with bears: information, program and abstracts from the 14th international conference on bear research and management. Nord-Trřndelag University College, Steinkjer, Norway: 107.
Rigg R. (2001). Livestock guarding dogs: their current use world wide. IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group Occasional Paper No 1 [online] URL: http://www.canids.org/occasionalpapers
Iné publikácieStraka M., Paule L., Ionescu O., Štofík J. & Adamec M. (2012). Microsatellite diversity and structure of Carpathian brown bears (Ursus arctos): consequences of human caused fragmentation. Conservation Genetics 13(1): 153-164.
Kalaš. M. (2011). Doprava a jej vplyv na populáciu medveďa hnedého v širšej oblasti Národného parku Malá Fatra. VZP XXV: 180-187.
Anon. (2011). 20th international conference on bear research and management. Program and abstracts. Ottawa, Canada. 191 pp.
Anon. (2010). 19th international conference on bear research and management. Book of abstracts. Tbilisi, Georgia. 124 pp.
Linnell J., Salvatori V. & Boitani L. (2007). Guidelines for population level management plans for large
carnivores in Europe. A Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe report prepared for the European
Commission. Final draft. 78 pp.
Anon. (2007). 18th international conference on bear research and management. Book of abstracts. Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. 240 pp.
Molinari P. & Breitenmoser U. (2007). Brown bear in the Alps. Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop. Triesenberg, Liechtenstein. 25 pp.
Anon. (2007). Large carnivores and agriculture: comparing experiences across Italy and Europe. International symposium proceedings. Assisi, Italy. 46 pp.
Huber T., Kaczensky P., Knauer F., Laass J., Rauer G., Striebel B., Wagner W., Walzer C., Wölfl M. & Wotschikowsky U. (2006). JJ1 "Bruno" in Austria and Germany 2006 – chronology and risk assessment. Austrian Bear Emergency Team, Vienna, Austria. 24 pp.
Knapp A. (2006). Bear necessities. An analysis of brown bear management and trade in selected range states and the European Union’s role in the trophy trade. TRAFFIC Europe, Brussels. 76 pp.
Anon. (2005). 16th international conference on bear research and management. Book of abstracts, Centro Duplicazioni Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trentino, Italy. 144 pp.
Dečak D., Frkovic A., Grubešic M., Huber D., Iviček B., Kulic B., Sertic D. & Štahan Ž. (2005). Brown bear management plan for the Republic of Croatia. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Department for Hunting, and Ministry of Culture, Department for Nature Protection, Zagreb, Croatia. 90 pp.
Anon. (2005). Management and action plan for the bear population in Romania. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development and Ministry of Environment and Water Management, Bucharest, Romania. 79 pp.
Salvatori V. (2002). The development of an ecological network in the Carpathian Ecoregion: identification of special areas for conservation of large carnivores. Report for the Council of Europe Directorate of Culture and Cultural and Natural Heritage. Council of Europe, Strasbourg. 12 pp.
Corsi F., Boitani L. & Sinibaldi I. (2002). Ecological corridors and species: large carnivores in the Alpine region. Nature and environment No. 127. Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg. 16 pp.
Linnell J.D.C., Steuer D., Odden J., Kaczensky P. & Swenson J.E. (2002). European brown bear compendium. Safari Club International, Herndon, USA. 125 pp.
Swenson J.E., Dahle B., Gerstl N. & Zedrosser A. (2000). Action plan for the conservation of the brown bear in Europe (Ursus arctos). Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention), Nature and environment, No.114, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg. 68 pp.
IEA (2000). Action plan for conservation of the bear (Ursus arctos) in the Italian Alps - draft. WWF Italy. 9 pp.
Servheen C., Herrero S. & Peyton B. compilers (1999). Bears. Status survey and conservation action plan. IUCN Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: x + 309 pp.
Anon. (1999). Brown bears in Austria. Federal Environment Agency, Austria. 35 pp.
Linnell J.D.C., Swenson J.E., Landa A. & Kvam T. (1998). Methods for monitoring European large carnivores - a worldwide review of relevant experience. NINA Oppdragsmelding 549. 38 pp.
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